Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I just wanted to let you know your Drylok paint is an exceptional product.

When it rains I usually get water in my basement from the north wall.

I don’t have a sump pump, so I am usually down there with a 10gal. shop vac to collect all of the water.

When Hurricane Irene hit back in 2011, I spent the entire night vacuuming up water that was seeping into the basement.  I was fortunate that I had power the entire time.

This time when Hurricane Sandy was predicted to hit southern New Jersey, I had a purchased a gallon of Latex Base DRYLOK® Masonry Waterproofer.

I prepped the north wall Saturday night and started painting Sunday morning.

Unfortunately, I only had enough paint for one coat up to ~4’-0” above the floor.

By rainfall, the paint still had another hour until it cured.

From Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning the paint withstood the torrential downpour and ground saturation.  There were a couple of pinholes here and there, but nothing to warrant more than a paper towel to clean it up.  If I had lost power I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about the basement flooding.

I plan to finish the rest of my basement with Drylok and will recommend it to anyone looking to waterproof their basement.  Again, I was very impressed with the results.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another A+ for DRYLOK

Recently, Coatings Research Group, Inc (CRGI) evaluated DRYLOK Powder Masonry Waterproofer for alkalinity/efflorescence resistance via CRGI Test Method 74. 

Testing Method 74

The waterproofer was prepared according to the label directions by mixing the equivalent of 2 pints of cold water to 10 pounds of DRYLOK powder.  After mixing until smooth, the equivalent of 2 pints of cold water was added for “normal application” or 1.5 pints for “Heavy application”. To distinguish between the two application conditions, a few drops of magenta colorant were added to the mixture.

The mixtures were applied to a high pH substrate.  A vinyl acrylic negative control was included to show absolute failure for a comparison.  The block was allowed to cure at normal room conditions for three days.  After the three day cure, panels were placed into a Q-Fog under the water fog cycle (ASTM D 1735-08) simply put - 1 hour of condensation, 1 hour dry-off at 95°F.  After one week of exposure, the panels were rated for efflorescence resistance

Negative Control-Color Accents Vinyl Acrylic Paint (Sherwin Williams)
DRYLOK Powder Masonry Waterproofer –
Normal Application
DRYLOK Powder Masonry Waterproofer –
Heavy Application

CRGI Test Method 74 – Rating    10= No defect observed

                                                                1  = Severe defect observed

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's Cool In The Basement

Ok, we all know it’s hot out there, most of the country are seeing record high heat.  What can you do on such hot days?  Go to the basement “say it like in the Godfather “take it to the mattress”.  The basement is probably the coolest space in the house this time of year.  You may not be thinking of your basement water problems at this time, but this is the best time to waterproof.  We usually only think of problems when they are upfront saying “hello look at me”. But when your basement is dry, now that is the time to apply a basement waterproofer.

It might be a big empty space filled with a bunch of stuff that should go to the garage sale or things that your kids left behind and never came back for, but think of what it could be (insert dream here).  Even if you don’t have a water problem, a basement waterproofing paint, such as DRYLOK is made specifically for masonry.  While the main function is to waterproof, it also beautifies a space by adding brightness and color that can really inspire you to do more with this space.

How many of us have hobbies taking over our living space?   The basement can be a cool, dry space for all of these hobbies: woodworking, tying flies, sewing, exercising, and getting other family members out of your hair, you name it.  Visit and watch the how to video, see how easy it is to waterproof with DRYLOK.  Could millions of customers be wrong?  I don’t think so.  Stay cool and dry – “Laters Babe”, yes, a whole other reference and not from the Godfather.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Customer Story

Nothing is more satisfying than working for a company that
has thousands of customers who love them.
As a Public Relations professional, I have the pleasure of hearing success stories from these satisfied customers.
And, in the same vein the customers who have had problems or disappointments, I am able to find solutions and remedies through our wonderful
technical staff.

It is surfing the web and working tradeshows that I learn
the most from these customers. The tradeshow customers are the best, they just come over to tell you how
remarkable you products are and how they have used them. The customers who have tried the product and
did not have success also stop and when they leave they feel confident that there is a solution that they will try and are glad they stopped.

The most recent success is this testimonial

When TSC Global built our show home in Haiti, we needed a
waterproofing material to cover our thin shell cement roofs (pictured here). We
found DRYLOK at a local materials dealer and decided to give it a try. What
caught our attention was the little demonstration (DRYLOK Action Display) the
store had set up with DRYLOK coating a cinder block and water running through
the block. Water was pouring through the untreated side of the block while the
DRYLOK side was completely impervious to water. We placed the DRYLOK on three
thin shell roofs following the label instructions. Two coats were applied. We
finished up the project then returned home to the US. Shortly after we left,
three major tropical storms rolled through Haiti subjecting our roofs to a
severe test as to its ability to withstand wind and water. When we returned to
Haiti a few months later, and met with our project people, they reported that
there was absolutely no leaking from any of our roofs. The roofs appeared to be
completely undamaged and as beautiful a white color as when we left. We are
sold on your product and will specify its use in all of our future work
requiring waterproofing of cement material.
Stephen Riley, President, TSC Global

WOW, I actually feel like I am personally, somehow, helping get Haiti back on its feet. It really is a great feeling to
be part of a bigger picture, not brain surgery, I know, but still part of a company that started in 1932 and still
making quality products that are changing people’s lives.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shrewsbury True Value, Shrewsbury, PA Honored

2012 marks the 80th Anniversary of United Gilsonite Laboratories (UGL), makers of DRYLOK, ZAR and UGL brand products. Shrewsbury True Value, Shrewsbury, PA has been identified as a key player and a top performer in UGL’s Maintenance and Repair line of products.
As a thank you, UGL acknowledged Shrewsbury True Value with a party and plaque presentation. Shrewsbury was only one of 10 dealers chosen from the company’s over 4000
dealers taking into consideration product sales, customer service and product displays.

True Value will also be included in the UGL’s Trade Advertising Campaign with ads featuring their employees and a testimonial of what makes their maintenance
and repair program so successful.

PICTURED - Scott and Brad Hittie, owners of Shrewsbury True Value, Shrewsbury, PA
accepted a Top Performer Recognition plaque, during a company celebration, from
United Gilsonite Laboratories as part of UGL’s 80th Anniversary Celebration.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Need More Space

Ok, with the economy being what it is, if you need more space the only place to look is down. Take that dark, damp and scary basement and turn it into the space you need. Yes, DRYLOK is a masonry waterproofer, but it also decorates as it waterproofs. DON’T, whatever you do, put ordinary house paint on those walls. You may not have a water or moisture problem right now, but you may in the future. Once you have a coating on the wall, if water starts being diverted to your basement you have no recourse. A waterproofing paint needs to enter the pores of the masonry, that’s how it stops water.

And, if you ever decide to insulate, stud the walls and hang drywall you will be happy that DRYLOK is already on the masonry. You can use Latex, Extreme and Designer DRYLOK to create a bright and unique space to answer your need for more space.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 World of Concrete

UGL Sales and Marketing just got back from World of Concrete held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV. This has to be one of the most interesting shows in our industry. There were 50,000 industry professionals looking for information on how to improve their jobs and make more money.

The UGL DRYLOK Booth had nonstop traffic, most interest going to New Designer DRYLOK, DRYLOK Extreme and the DRYLOK Clear Penetrating Sealers. It was great to see such interest, a larger crowd over 2011 and actual customers who love your products and want to tell you all about their projects.

Most interesting are the homes being build in Haiti and DRYLOK being used on the roofs. The photos of these homes looked liked beautiful sailing ships.